Deb and I are getting into tennis. We’re lousy at it, but we enjoy it. And when Americans get into something, we jump in with at least one foot and a wallet, which means we buy all the crap advertisers say will make us really good at what we suck at. Deb got a fashionably affordable racquet with feminine accents and a manufacturer’s commitment to help cure breast cancer. I got a Velcro thing to cure my tennis elbow. I think that’s what I have because as soon as I started playing tennis my elbow started to hurt where it’s supposed to. On the other hand everything hurts now, but as far as I know they don’t make a Velcro body suit for tennis ass.
The next step is to sit at home and watch other people who’ve dedicated their entire lives to getting good at something so you can later go out and emulate their quirks. Deb actually had the opportunity to attend two days of the US Open with a good friend who’d scored some Craig’s List tickets. Being something of a newbie, she boned up ahead of time on the hot contenders so she could pick favorites based on apparel selection, sense of humor and whatnot. She still can’t keep score, but she knows when somebody shows up at center court in a bad outfit and matching attitude, unlike guys, who gravitate toward, I don’t know, other stuff.
Yet with both genders it helps if one’s favorite player wins a lot. Winning is an important aspect of American culture, which makes it all the more noxious when ex-waterboys with eating disorders go on YouTube diatribes over an athlete’s poor handling of foot fault accusations. Here’s what I have to say to those shlubcasters: shut the hell up, you lazy, pathetic, myopic lizard creatures.
I have no patience for lectures on court decorum. It’s nothing but a lame cover for the animosity a loser feels toward someone who earns more than his entire hometown while continuing to wax on a regular basis the ass of the loser’s chosen idol.
I know why I hate the Williams sisters. They aren’t human. They are Nexus creatures fabricated and programmed by an evil father/maker, physical monstrosities who shriek like harpies as they consume their prey. They are dark as night, which is a scary time to be out when there are predators lurking. Watching either Williams sister dispatch an opponent is like witnessing grizzled whalers bludgeon baby fur seals to death with Louisville Sluggers. The outcome during their reign of terror (they've become a touch long-in-tooth lately), has always been a horrific foregone conclusion.
Now isn’t that more honest than saying Serena tried to kill a line judge with a force-fed meal of fuzzy balls? Certainly she wanted to, but are you seriously suggesting that this was a legitimate murder threat? Of course it wasn’t. It was a flight of fancy, something we all experience on a daily basis. Let us, however, summon the deeply concerned and ascotted officials to the scene of the crime.
Here’s something we all have forgotten. Tennis isn’t tennis anymore. It began as a bourgeois summertime lark intended to unite industry titans with their trophy wives for an exterior photo op while the darkies polished the chandeliers. The days of ankle-length court skirts and respectful silence among the parasoled gallery are gone. Hell, with a couple lessons I could probably have given those old champions a run for their laundered money. Such has been the evolution of the sport.
And it’s money on the wings of global media saturation that has sifted from among billions of hopefuls a handful of gifted individuals. They are not of our kind. They are born and bred for warfare. The meek have been eliminated at the junior level; only the elite carnivores survive. To deny them their spoils with a bullshit call from a mortal with average sensory receptors is a bitter pill, indeed.
Some players do seem to possess among their arsenal superhuman restraint in the face of adverse calls. But make no mistake, all wish to make a meal of the errant caller. Outsized silver tureens are in the offing, but that is only part of the story. Ranking equals sponsorship, and we all know what’s stuffed inside that hallowed grail. Can I get an Amen and a Swoosh from the believers?
A hiss from the peanut gallery: “Suck it up.” How’s about this, Heloise? You forfeit last month’s salary because Payroll says you punched in two minutes late on Monday. You lose all holiday pay and time off for the fault, and you’re demoted to the mailroom till you work your way back to respectability. Let’s forget it was their clerical error. Suck it up. Show some class. And toss in next month’s paycheck for being surly about it.
Those classless athletes have been honing their weapons since they were indentured at an early age by parents, trainers, and a public’s insatiable demand for top talent. They practice while you pontificate, party, and play with your privates. They alone are responsible for their own brief rise and inevitable fall, unless some drone says their Nike Air kissed the service line during a supersonic serve.
You may argue that anger distracts a player, and I would counter that anger is an asset when properly channeled. In any event, it’s their business how they handle the pressure. So pick another favorite, but don’t expect to find any Polly Purebreds on the court anymore. When a guy who makes twenty mil a year to entertain your sedentary ass busts his two hundred buck racquet for failing him at set point, that’s you slamming the fridge door for barking your shin against it trying to score another Bud Lite. So take a chill pill.
Tennis is trying. It now uses cameras to determine whether a serve traveling at a hundred thirty plus was within a crotch hair of being “in or out”. It’s time for a toe-cam as well. In the mean time take your manners lesson and shove it up your backcourt, Scalia.