To the editor:
I cannot believe the criminal audacity of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, to forcefully remove hundreds upon hundreds of residents from their God-given homes over some pond leak. What in the world gives him the authority to employ such dragonian (which is totally illegal) over-reach? Does he not realize that Floridians are capable of determining their own destiny? They should be allowed to choose whether or not to hunker down at home and weather the “possible breach” of something called a gypsum stack, which might not even be a thing, from what I understand. But probably they’ll be burglarized for sure while they’re paying jacked up rates for a room at the Bradenton Motel 6.
They say a stack is leaking? So is my kitchen sink. And who are these so-called experts that cry like Chicken Little about the hazards of what is rumored to be “small amounts” of “slightly radioactive” material in what is basically fertilized water if you think about it. If anything, everyone’s lawn is going to look a whole lot better when this hoax is over.
What about radio activity? Isn’t that how the dentist checks for cavities? Isn’t that what makes our clocks glow at night so we don’t stub our toes on the way to the toilet? And how about cell phones, huh? It’s all fake news by the fake media trying to distract us from the real problem, which is harmful magnetism that’s buzzing in the power lines right outside my bedroom window. That’s all I ever hear is buzzing buzzing buzzing.
I looked it up and gypsum is a natural substance used to build homes, the very homes Ron DeSantis is kicking the owners out of. He should be kicked out of office, is what. As the Radical Left eats more and more into our unalienated rights (led by that commie green dealer AOL), we must be willing to fight back with everything in our family arsenal. What happened to the man who stood up for us and President Trump when Fauci tried to trick us all and shut down our Conchy Joe’s with all his mask back and forths? It seems he’s sadly forgotten the role of government, which is to shut up and leave us all alone. Shame on you, Governor. Shame.
Ned Gaetz (sadly no relation)